Past Pain, Injury, Stiffness & Stress

Life and Your Dreams

Moving through

DeepBody Matrix logo
DeepBody Matrix logo

Life Activities, Sports, Intimacy, Family, Career Goals & Work Endurance.

With so many things to achieve and accomplish, we do not need unnecessary pain, movement limitation and extreme stress to be in the way of it. Let us clear that up for you.
people jogging in the evening
people jogging in the evening

Sleep better Think clearer

What's it like, when your body can relax and meld into the bed and your head sink into the pillow. When sleep is delicious and restful. Wouldn't you like that?
like a cat body at ease sleeping relaxedly and soundly
like a cat body at ease sleeping relaxedly and soundly

Different life stages, different physical demands

Each stage of life lived through. sets the physical body leading into the next. The earlier corrected and reversed, the less projected forwards. It becomes a pain, tightness and breakdowns vs long healthy active lifestyles. The main accounting time, mid-life onwards.
 eight coffee latte in mugs on a round table representing the different stages of life
 eight coffee latte in mugs on a round table representing the different stages of life

Non Invasive

No skin puncture

No bruising

No sudden moves

Gentle or Strong

Deeply Relaxing.

Deep layered, far reaching, long lasting effect.

A whole body systemic approach

Strength workup

Pain & Injury

Wear & Tear

Head to Toe

Minor to Severe

Simple to Complex

New injury to Chronic

Repeat Conditions

Children, Adults, Elderly


Would you like it to be :

Strains and Sprains

Foot, Hand, Ankle, Elbow, Knee,

Hip, Shoulder, Neck, Back, Ribs




Shoulder impingement

Tennis Elbow

Golf Elbow

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Plantar fasciatis

Achilles Tendinitis

Patellar Tendinitis

Repeated strains and sprains

Neck and Back

Cervical spondylosis

Lumbar spondylosis/ spondylolisthesis

Spinal curvature -scoliosis

Postural concerns and

Body imbalances

Pre-surgical /Joint Replacement Alternatives

Hip or knee degeneration from wear and tear under consideration for surgery or hip or knee replacement

Best caught early !

Post-surgery/ post- accident/ post healing

Tightened and shortened scar tissue effects

Pain & Function

Swollen and Painful Joints

Effects of Rheumatoid Arthrities

Swollen and Painful Joints



Lymphatics pump work

Stress Incontinence

Post infection bladder / urinary tract stress incontinence

Cranial and Facial

Tension headache, migraine

tmj syndrome, sinusitis, facial asymmetry, facial post injury,

noisy breathing, children snoring

Respiratory Limitations

Effects post respiratory illness

Prolonged tail end of respiratory illness


Compression syndromes


chronic inflammation

Limited Activity/Function

You've injured yourself many years ago. It's healed and you are pain free.
But since then you have limited yourself the activities you can do.
Or, even the chairs you can sit in.
Would you imagine the possibility of doing more variety of life activities? Sports?
Do you dare imagine?
Talk to us

Specific Correction

For uneven singular post game aches

Flare-ups of a previous conidtion

For Better Faster Performance &
more Accurate Movement
of your chosen sport

Tissues recover faster

Fibers heal stronger

Small problems corrected

Specific Sport Recovery

Especially if

  • you've just rejoined an activity

after a prolonged absence

  • or started a new activity

  • or suddenly increased intensity of training

For Runners

Common Injuries

Runner's Knee
IT Band Syndrome
Plantar Fasciatis
Achilles Tendinitis
Stress Fracture
Low Back Pain

How about approaching the problem from the overall musculoskeletal mechanics for the sport?
Let's fix this.

For Swimmers

Competitive Swimmers
Overuse injuries

Neck, back, shoulder, knee

Your goal : Fix the injuries and prevent further injuries.
Adult & New to Swimming
Finding it hard to learn a second swim stroke even after many lessons?

Don't give up. Let's check out why and make it happen!

Older Casual Swimmers.
Swimming being your
go-to stay fit and active sport
Your goal : Enjoy swimming even more by feeling the
streamlining of your moves through the water.
More glide, less effort,
pure enjoyment !
Try so !

Name your sport,
The position,
Your specific play required
We'll get you there.

The Body FrameWork System
Methodical Approach

A unique whole body approach. Through key focused and stressed areas.

Active Longetivity & Health

Suitable for you if you have been ~

Sedentary wishing to get back into a more vigorous active or sporting life but feeling the barriers of consequent stiffness and pain from years of career hard work.
Active but feeling the 'wear' in some places and desiring to be structurally reconditioned to keep up at your favorite sport or activity.
Previously very active in sport and have consequently accumulated many strains and stresses with healed past injuries in the body throughout the years now 'feeling it' in later years.
What you need toward Movement & Mechanical Efficiency and General Systems Health
The Next Phase of Life

Having taken care of family, worked hard and taken care of others. Now is the time to take care of yourself. Natural hormonal changes can bring drastic different possibly difficult frightening experiences. One of them being more sensitive to what is happening internally, both to the wear and tear accumulated over the years, the forced stiffness to support our activities those years, and also to the present changes of activity your bodies may not be used to.

Aches and Pains

It appears as more prominently felt aches and pains, some in the muscles, some in the joints. It can be in specific or multiple areas.

As this period of life is entered, to keep up with desired activities, let us also prepare it as a stable base for the next.

Let's gently ease those aches and pains while correcting and restoring them to a better condition.

And get back to a rejuvenated active life!

Women's Health

Stress Incontinence
Frequent Bladder/Urinary Tract Infection
It can be quite a tough, worrying and embarrasing time.
If you have been having frequent infection of the bladder or urinary tract, leakage from a sneeze or cough can be quite common.
Let's fix this.

Menstruation Cramps
Is it normal to be in such pain every month so as to have to take pain killers or the day off school or work for it?
No, it doesn't have to be. Even if it has been your 'norm' for 20 years.

Sport Recovery

Mind Space

Mental & Emotional De-stress
Release of Emotional trauma stored in the physical body
Cranial Work

Cranial stress and tension relief

Clarity of Mind

Deep Relaxation

Breathing, Feeling


Coffee Chit Chat

About DeepBody Matrix

layered background pattern representing layers in the body
layered background pattern representing layers in the body


As its namesake. Deep work into the body with according changes of significance to the body and mind.
DeepBody Matrix is borne out of the love, wonder and observation of the amazing structural body that serves as a moving organic vehicle for the entire human experience through the lifespan.
Its perfect design of systems, held fittingly closely together, synchronizing in complexity. Its immense robustness with huge capacity for compensation, yet it's apparent frailty. The breakdowns, the interventions, the results and the gaps between.
DeepBody Matrix finds a place in the gap.

Can you imagine

A healthy young 16 year old already having the picture of the 36 year old ? What's she going to be like when she's actually 36? 50?

Or you could already see those signs at 4 years old?

Or being told at 20 you can't play football anymore or at 42 told you can't play your favorite sport anymore because 'degeneration'. And when you are about to retire and look forward to the activities you have put off, only to find you have limited options for physical activities. You don't move as well and limber. And what about when you are getting on, and degenerative this and that, and joint replacement ..... or wheelchair.

Before all those, let's see if there's anything that can be done to change the course of matters.

And now an option to intervene at any stage.

About Sheryl

Sheryl Hooi is a seasoned and highly experienced Hong Kong registered physiotherapist.

She welcomes the challenges of multilayered overlapping conditions from previous injuries or illness to current conditions and of 'even the docs don't know why'.

She approaches the body as a whole , mind & body, works closely with the body and with you in its entire environment inner and outer. While going for the specifics, she minds the general with the other body systems in place .

Her greatest desire is for one to move through the fullness of life via the vehicle that is the body and to aid as much as possible from its malfunctions, injuries, post illness deteriorations, into restoration and the smooth maintenance of the originally super well designed complex body.

Her aim via her work is for one to have a fully efficiently functioning body in its mechanisms for as long as is possible in one's lifespan. Enjoy physical activity, Enjoy sports, Enjoy the active life ! Enjoy being in the physical body. Enjoy any activity at all, possible only with a functioning mind and body, enabling all that one can pursue.

She loves the work with the body, knowing the joy of it when it can do something that it was not able to before.

She loves and has participated in multiple various sports through the years, land and sea, team and individual, racquet, ball games of different shapes and sizes, fight, contact sport, equestrian. She recently experienced the gleeful smoothness in swimming all the 4 strokes!

Hence her first hand understanding of movement requirement of the sports and their challenges and especially moving through the age spectrum.

By working with various age groups, children up to the elderly, she tracked in general the various systems involved via the structural system from the aspect of physics and mechanics and their applications in normal time progression (aging) and as a result of cumulative injuries. Hence her primal motivation and focus.

Your personal physio working closely with you



What they say

"認識Sheryl 快5年,她性格爽朗而且梗直,對於傷者或復康病人來說,專業又真實的意見在康復的過程中至關重要。

2年前因運動弄傷L5,Sheryl 耐心聆聽和仔細檢查,令原本於賽季因傷未能作賽的我看到希望。憑她的專業及獨到見解令我回復過程遠較預期早。她不但能對症下藥,給予精準的治療方案,而且在康復過程後段,提供不少強化病人弱點的意見,避免舊患復發。

特此,感謝Sheryl 的幫助,並希望有需要的病人,特別是運動愛好者,能在鍛鍊的過程中找到如Sheryl 般的伙伴。"


Squeeze a bit more playtime out of life

More life out of your lifespan.

On getting that little bit older

Feeling it?

What are you waiting for? Get started now !

Move Freely, Live Fully

Discover your structural potential

Good News !

Deepbody Matrix has access now also at a personal training well equipped gym to offer a more comprehensive rehabilitation service conveniently right next to the MTR.

Therapy room
Therapy room
squat rack, strengthening  equipment
squat rack, strengthening  equipment
a gym room with a lot of exercise equipment
a gym room with a lot of exercise equipment


In Central.


Depending on your needs, If you needed physiotherapy with rehab and gym setting convenient access of Central would be the place.

If you prefer a more spacious therapy room for work on loosening up the tight areas of the body in the more chill neighborhood of Sheung Wan, it might be your choice.

Book A Consultation. Questions?

852 - 5472 5789
